Online-Petition zu Green Hill


Green Hill is a breeding centre where beagles are bred for vivisection labs across all Europe. After 2 years of relentless campaign on july 18th the police investigated the farm for animal cruelty and temporarily closed it.

During the end of july and august 2.115 beagles have been confiscated and rehomed.

But Green Hill has not yet been permanently closed and the dogs have not been put up for permanent adoption, they are still legally owned by the company. We need one final push from campaigners across the world to close this place and save the beagles inside – please join our mass protest and sign the petition!

We want Green Hill to be closed down permanently, we want freedom for all animals!

Please join our mass protest by signing this petition, which will automatically send an email to the Mayor of Montichiari, The Minister of Health and the Lombardia Region asking them to close Green Hill…. forever!